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Medical Physiology courses in Iran

Iranian medical students study the physiology courses in 2nd and 3rd terms. They must learn as well as so they can pass the course exams. The exam of basic science items were done in the 4th and 5th term as Final Basic exam. The lectures in this period presented audio-visually. The whole physiology is divided to two parts. They called Physiology 1 and Physiology 2 courses. The Physiology 1 course include: Cell Physiology, Heart and Cardiovascular Physiology, Respiratory Physiology and Gastrointestinal Physiology. The Physiology 2 course include: Physiology of Nervous System, Endocrine physiology, Kidney physiology, Blood Physiology, Physiology of Fluid, Electrolyte, body fluids' pH. The medical physiology in Iran are taught based on 3 famous textbooks in the world as follow.

Medical Physiology, Guyton and Hall (latest edition).

Review of Medical Physiology, W.F Ganong (latest edition).

Physiology, Bern and Levy, (latest edition).


I have taught physiology according to mentioned references. I have began to teach medical physiology according to Problem and Case Based Physiology protocol from middle of 2008. The good references published for this type of teaching for medical physiology now.

My Lectures.



Cell Physiology Lectures:

The lectures are designed according to Bern and Levy Physiology 

Cell Lecture-Cellular basis of muscle contraction

Cell Lecture-Foundation of Electrophysiology

Cell Lecture-Membrane Transport

Cell Lecture-Signal Transduction

Cell Lecture-Skeletal Muscle(Biological Properties)

Cell Lecture-Structure and Function of skeletal muscle


Physiology of Nervous System Lectures:

The lectures are designed according to Guyton and Hall Medical Physiology 

01-Human Physiology of Nervous System

02-Synaptic Transmission-Chemical Synapses



Resources for cell physiology

(Persian translation of Bern and Levy Physiology):

Section01-Chapter01-Principles of Cell Function

Section01-Chapter02-Homeostasis of Body Fluids

Section01-Chapter03-Signal Transduction, Membrane Receptors, Second Messengers

Section03-Chapter12-Skeletal Muscle Physiology

Section03-Chapter13-Cardiac Muscle

Section03-Chapter13-Smooth Muscle



Workshop Lectures (In Persian language):

1- Research Methodology and Design.

Title and Statement of problem

Research work design, Budgeting and Reporting