Office Phone(+98) 441-2240643
Work Fax (+98) 441-2240642
Cell Phone (+98) 9144432432

My Life:

I was born in Urmia or Orumieh city. Urmia is a famous city of Iran with a good salty lake that called Orumieh lake or ChiChest Lake. It located in the north-west part of Iran of Iran. The average salt concentration in the middle of summer reaches to 300 gr/l. It has 102 islands. The smallest island of the world with about 50 m2  surface is in that lake. It called Moshte-e-Osman. Because of high salt content of the lake water, many people can lie on the water very easily in the swimming.  

Name, birth date and address:

Name: Firouz         

Surname: Ghaderi Pakdel     

Birth date: 23 Jul 1966, Urmia-I.R.Iran.

Marital status: Single.

Academic Address:

Department of Physiology,

Faculty of medicine,

Urmia Medical Science University,

P.O.Box:1138, Postal Code: 1138

Urmia, Iran

Work Phone: +98 441 223 1930, +98 441 222 2010

Work Fax: +98 441 223 1930

E-mail: , ,  

Home address: 7 Tire blvd, Mokhtari allay, No 16.

Phone: +98 441 235 2915 Mobile Tel: +98 914 443 2432   


My Interest:

My research in physiology field began from the time I was studying my B.Sc. Toward the end of my studies, with the physiology professor’s encouragement and his guide, I carried out an experiment on the effect of diazepam on food intake. I continued my studies for a M.Sc. in physiology at Tarbiat Modarres University. During my studies, I became familiar with the electrophysiologic recording techniques. In 1992, I met Professor Mohsen Shokouhi Nejad.  He encouraged me to choose my M.Sc. dissertation on the single axon recording. I sat up to record neuronal signals in peripheral nerves that induced by paw formalin injection with two methods; single axon and integrated recording. I determined the pattern of C and A-delta pain fibers in chronic pain phases. Ph.D dissertation is my main research experience. To begin my Ph.D dissertation I fund the whole lab from the beginning and sat up the necessities. During my dissertation I managed to become familiar with the stereotaxic surgery in rat and mouse, registering and analyzing animal behavior, drug induced dependence procedures, extracellular single unit recording in rat brain, microiontophoretic drug application, field potential recording, histological staining, preparation live and fixed brain slices, electrical and chemical kindling, psychophysical studies in human, human thalamic recording in Parkinsonian, human stereotaxic surgery and human deep brain stimulation.


Also beside biology and physiology studies I experience computer working for a long time. I began my computer experience with 286 IBM Compatible computers from 1990. Perhaps I spend more time with computer in compare with my life. I worked on Linux OS in recent years beside Windows OS. I like Macintosh OS and now I can run it on windows XP as guest OS although I have a mini MaC computer separately. I work with different sound editing, Graphic softwares, Word processing softwares, Statistical packages (such as SPSS, Statistica, Sigma Plot, MiniTab, Gbstat, and Excel), client and server surf control packages, Firewalls, Anti threat softwares. I experienced Math Lab suite for modular programming for signal processing in recent year. I teach some software or computer programs as workshop or course class in the university.